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About Get Cars Japan

GET CARS JAPAN Ltd. is a leading vehicle auction agent & exporter in Japan that purchases motor vehicles and parts for overseas clients and handles every step from vehicle purchase to arrival at your port of destination.  The company was originally established in 2001, and is owned and operated by an Australian who has lived in Japan since 1995.

Our company goal is to provide clients with the cheapest possible means of attaining vehicles from the Japanese auctions.  We pride ourselves on honesty and fairness, and charge bare minimum commissions in order to help clients increase profit margins.  Our terms of trade provide for a fair business partnership, and protect the client conducting business with us.

We have several bilingual staff that help translate Japanese documents and give customers information about the condition of cars before the auction begins.

We are open to serve clients from all countries and currently service five continents. Get Cars Japan Ltd aims to make overseas purchases as easy as possible, with mutual trust and respect.

Get Cars Japan Ltd. is a friendly, professional company, and we will always do our best to locate the vehicles your company needs.

Get Cars Japan Ltd.

1-26-7 Motohama-cho
Amagasaki-Shi, Hyogo.
Japan 661-0001
Tel/Fax: +81-6-6415-9770
Mobile: +81-90-9532-4541
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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